Luke loves space. He loves planets, stars, comets, moons, and especially space shuttles. A few days ago we were watching several liftoffs and saw a youtube clip of the Challenger disaster. He's been talking about it ever since.
"Hey mama?"
"Some people died on the space shuttle. We have to help them. They need to go to the hopsital. [Long Pause] Can I help them?"
"Can we help them? Mama and Papa and Beboy and Aidan? Can we help them get better please?"
"Sure, that's a good idea." It's a nice thought. Why wouldn't we want to help, even if...we could certainly find someone in a hospital to help.
"We need to help them. We need to help Grandma Rhea, too, because she broke her hip. She is in the hopsital."
"Yes, she needs help, too. But she's getting lots of help. Guka is taking good care of her. We'll go see her soon. "
"Oh, and the nurses too. The nurses help. Right?"
"Yeah, they help her like you help Baby Aidan when you nurse him. They are nursers. For Rhea."
It really didn't help that I had just watched "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" only hours before this conversation. It certainly gave me a good chuckle.